Steve -
Loud !!
this is what is written in the jan 2014 wt article .
let your kingdom comebut when?in his detailed prophecy about the conclusion of this system of things, jesus said: this generation will by no means pass away until all these things happen.
(read matthew 24:33-35.
Steve -
Loud !!
i found it important to be honest with my wife.
so i told her about my conscience decision that in a medical urgency i want blodless medicine but if a transfusion of blood or the 4 prohibited components is necessary to save my life or health i would accept it.
this would apply especially also for our child (that is not such a problem as in our country the wts recommends to comply with doctors as they have the right to decide concerning minors).. i showed her the reasons why i came to that conscience decision (biblical and logical reasons) and that jehovah and jesus do not like anyone to die because of this wrong bible application.. .
Well done for being able to talk openly with your wife about it, im building up to that myself. Scared stiff though! Hope whatever happens is how you'd want it to happen dude. (one of my best holidays was in Switzerland, beautiful place..)
most of us left the organisation because we could no longer stand one or other aspect of it, perhaps its very dictatorial administration, the disappointment due to the false promises and vain hopes raised by its leadership, disagreement with the blood ban or pedophile and shunning policies, the feel one gets that this is a business and not a religious organisation manipulating its members to its own profit etc etc.
these are of course valid reasons for rejecting this religion and refusing to identify with it but do the jws who stay in have a valid argument for rejecting leaving the org?
they will say: "ok our religion, our society has its flaws but what human society doesn't?
Well put BLACK SHEEP , that is SO what it boils down to. . . . . .
this is my first post on jwn, and i would like to take a few lines to introduce myself.. i currently am still in the organization, though my conviction in the last 1-2 years is more or less agnostic/atheist (closer to atheist).
i am an ex-elder and mts graduate, having served in another 3 congregations, apart from my home one.. the reason for the above-mentioned conviction shift has to do with science and rational, logical thinking generally, and with the grand theory of evolution, specifically.
it took me long, endless sessions of hard reading and study of serious scientific literature (plus cross-matching all the quotes and claims in jw evolution-related literature), to finally make the shift from utterly firm religious belief to doubt, and then to lack of religious faith.
Evening dude. Welcome, please post plenty about your thinking processes and what convinces you, it'll help others, myself included. . . .
i finally decided to post.
i'm so scared of being caught, so i'll be vague.
i'm an appointed brother.
Welcome dude. If you're anything like me you'll be feeling surprised that you haven't been struck with leprosy for posting here . Guess what neither were any of us. And I'm not a drunkard or a murderous adulterer, just an ex elder, still in. Wish you were near me, or indeed anyone on here. I'd love to have a local friend that's in the tatt!
i have seen quotations from time to time that says the wt & awake magazines have been changed when the bound volumes come out , has anybody ever been able to list these changes ?
and make a comparison .?
to me this is quite deceptive , like speaking out of both sides of your mouth .if you pick them up on one thing then they quote something different , and have the printed page to prove it.surely they need to be nailed down on this.. smiddy.
This is great, thanks for all your hard work fellers.
i don't remember who requested this file, but anyway here it is..1927-1946 messengers combined.
click the green download button
Good work mister, downloaded! Thank you.
just spent some valuable time with a long-lost friend from back in the day.
a reminder for me that jw's are just bubbles waiting to float up into freedom.. one day they will post their story here :-).
We might be on here already but you wouldn't know....................
intriguing eh.
this is a very strange thing for me to do.
i have been an active witness for over 25 years.
i currently serve as an elder and i conduct the watchtower study.
Well done man, it's scary posting for the first time, then praying for forgiveness, then getting confused and doing it all over again! I even had cognitive dissonance over the phrase cognitive dissonance! I'd read the term on here then half forgotten it, but it kept half popping back into my mind, I was frightened I'd remember the term and it'd destroy my faith! Well, I'm still confused, but I'm coming to accept that it's ok to not know ALL the answers , after all, we've been taught the 'truth' and that seems to change significantly on a regular basis... Take your time Bro, good to meet you..
i have had requests to add an article about beards and jehovah's witnesses.
it is interesting that there is virtually no statement that says a witness cannot have a beard, yet universally they do not have beards.
i have scoured quotes from all the threads on jwn, all references to beard on the cd watchtower library, and copies of elders letters that i have.
NEW HOPE AND HAPPINESS - you're right, it IS a pathetic subject, for any rightminded free thinker.
but this was the first subject I allowed myself to research here on JWnet, and it went on from there, so although it's clearly a non-issue for normal people, for those under WT control, it IS an issue, and it could be one of the things that wakes them up to the control they're under..